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Books, CDs, DVDs and more by Jerry Vines



24/7 – The Genesis Account of Creation

The intelligent design/evolution debate is heating up! All over America schools are facing whether or not intelligent design should be taught alongside evolution. Underneath the whole debate is this issue: is the world created by God or did it come into existence accidentally?

Jerry Vines has written a book which presents the Genesis account of creation. In this book he shows that it is scientifically credible and fits the known facts of current scientific information. This book is an invaluable source for pastors, teachers, young people and all Christians who want to have information to assist them in their stand for creation. New and little known information is provided in this book. Churches might want to buy large quantities to make available to their young people.


A Journey Through the Bible – NT Volume

Jerry Vines' newest books take the reader on an exciting journey through all of the books of the Bible. There is an introduction, outline, and synopsis of each of the 66 books.

These Old and New Testament volumes make a perfect companion to the popular “Journey Through The Bible” CD series.


A Journey Through the Bible – OT Volume

Jerry Vines’ newest books take the reader on an exciting journey through all of the books of the Bible. There is an introduction, outline, and synopsis of each of the 66 books.

These Old and New Testament volumes make a perfect companion to the popular “Journey Through The Bible” CD series.


All The Days: Daily Devotions For Busy Believers

Want to do daily devotions, but don’t have a lot of time? “All the Days: Daily Devotions For Busy Believers” is the devotional book you have been looking for!

Jerry Vines has written a devotional book that gets you into your Bible with a brief, to the point devotional thought for the day.

Alternating between Old and New Testament books, each month carries a theme. Each devotional provides an outline to follow. Ideal for people of all ages.


Bring Me A Minstrel: Building Blocks For A Biblical Music Ministry

Have you heard of the “worship wars?” Are you experiencing them in your church? As a pastor, Jerry Vines led music programs in churches for 50 years. This booklet is invaluable for Pastors and Ministers of Music. He shares how to have a balanced, exciting, Christ-honoring church music program—and avoid the “worship wars!”


Discovering Hebrews

Jerry Vines announces a new series of devotional commentaries through books of the Bible. The inaugural volume is “Discovering Hebrews,” a reprint of a popular previous book. Based on Dr. Vines’ expositions through Bible books, pastors, teachers and Christians will find them helpful in discovering the meaning and message of Hebrews.


God’s Perfect 10

“God’s Perfect Ten” is a reprint of Jerry Vines’ book on the ten commandments.

In a day when the foundations of American culture and law are being challenged, these helpful, easy to understand messages, will teach you God’s basic law and its application to life today.


I Shall Return- Jesus

Jesus promised He would come again. Believers have learned to trust His promises.

Jerry Vines, in this re-published book, surveys the key events surrounding the return of Christ. Signs, rapture, Great Tribulation and many other events are explained in “’I Shall Return’-Jesus.”


Immortal Kombat

Are you having a difficult time? There is something going on behind the scenes. God is working a wonderful, loving plan for your life.

In this to the point, easy to read book, Jerry Vines shares the message of the exciting book of Job. You will use the lessons of “Immortal Kombat” all your life.


It Happened At Bethlehem

Everyone knows the story of Christmas. This booklet is a step-by-step look into the events of the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ – from an Old Testament perspective – the Book of Ruth.


Matthew & Mark Sermon Outlines

Over the fifty years of being a pastor, Jerry Vines preached through every Book of the New Testament and did series of messages encompassing every Book of the Old Testament. Now his outlines are being made available. Volume One contains over 100 outlines from Matthew and Mark. You will want to get this inaugural volume of a set that will have nine volumes in all.


Passion In The Pulpit

In Passion in the Pulpit, Jerry Vines and Adam Dooley will teach you how to exegete not just the verbal content of Scripture, but its emotional appeal as well.


People Who Met Jesus

“People Who Met Jesus” is a reprint of Jerry Vines’ earlier book “Great Interviews With Jesus.”

These studies highlight the variety of people who came to Christ and were changed by that encounter. From a prostitute to a preacher, from a young man to a dying thief, these studies touch life where it is lived today.


Power in the Pulpit

Power in the Pulpit is the combined work of Dr. Vines‘s two earlier publications on preaching: A Practical Guide to Sermon Preparation (Moody Publishers, 1985) and A Guide to Effective Sermon Delivery (Moody Publishers, 1986). Dr. Shaddix carefully organized and supplemented the material to offer this useful resource that closes the gap between classroom theory and what a pastor actually experiences in his weekly sermon preparation.


Preach The Word – Hardback

Interested in improving your preaching? “Preach the Word” can help.

The essays in this book were written by men who know how to preach. Each practical chapter addresses a vital area of good expository preaching.


Preach The Word – Paperback

Interested in improving your preaching? “Preach the Word” can help.

The essays in this book were written by men who know how to preach. Each practical chapter addresses a vital area of good expository preaching.


Progress in the Pulpit

Drs. Jerry Vines and Jim Shaddix, who wrote Power in the Pulpit (a book still used in seminaries today), remain committed to pure expository preaching. Yet they understand that the times change and present new challenges. Here they offer guidance to help preachers stay sharp and grow in the craft of faithfully proclaiming God’s Word.


The Christian Walk

The Christian Walk, a book that explains how the Christian life is begun, pursued and completed. Built around the picture of the Christian life as a walk, this small volume is ideal for prospective christians, new Christians, and mature Christians. Churches will find “The Christian Walk” invaluable for new member classes, gifts to new members, etc. To order this in bulk, please use the contact page on our website.


The Corinthian Confusion

No book of the Bible has more to say to the church than Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians. The church at Corinth was a microcosm of all the good things – and the bad – that characterize God’s people in assembly and fellowship. The problems Paul spoke to as he sought to help the Corinthians become spiritually mature have a different time and cultural setting from those we encounter today – but many of our problems are of the same nature. Jerry Vines speaks with authority and keen insight to the problems that trouble the people who are the church. As a pastor, Dr. Vines emphasizes in this book that the church is people. He writes with sensitivity, combining timeless scriptural truth with warm anecdotes that help apply God’s Word to everyday living.

OUT OF STOCKThe Spirit Book

The Spirit Book

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit is the neglected aspect of the Christian life and church growth today.

In this three-in-one volume, Jerry Vines takes you on a tour of the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, the modern Charismatic movement, and the fruit of the Spirit. This trilogy will help you know who the Holy Spirit is and what He does in your life.

This book is a three-in-one volume of SpiritLife, SpiritWorks and SpiritFruit.

OUT OF STOCKVines: My Life and Ministry

Vines: My Life and Ministry

Vines: My Life and Ministry” tells the story of Jerry Vines’ journey from Carrollton, Georgia to Jacksonville, Florida.

It whirls through the fiery controversies of the Conservative Resurgence. Readers will gain perspective on some of Southern Baptists’ pivotal moments through the eyes of an eye witness.

“Vines” will encourage and challenge believers to be totally yielded to God’s will for their lives.




Baptist Battles – DVD Set

“Baptist Battles” is Jerry Vines’ presentation of issues – past and present – in Southern Baptist life.

The “battles” are not personal in nature, but the constant battle to earnestly contend for the truth of the faith.


Give Me That Old-Time Religon – Dr. W.A. Criswell

The annual Pastors' Conference at the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida has created many wonderful moments for pastors all over the country for nearly twenty years.

No other moment is as fondly remembered as this night when the late Dr. W.A. Criswell delivered his last sermon, Give Me That Old-Time Religion, to a standing room only crowd of over 10,000 in Jacksonville.

There was hardly a dry eye in the building as Dr. Criswell delivered this message with power and conviction. It was a moment as First Baptist Pastor, Dr. Jerry Vines, said will go down in the annals of one of Dr. Criswell's finest moments.

Although Dr. Criswell was 89-years-old and very ill at the time, he still had his eyes on Jesus and his primary purpose never changed- winning the lost to Christ.


Glimpses of Glory DVD

“Glimpses of Glory” is the last sermon Jerry Vines preached as pastor of First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida.

After almost 24 years of ministry there, this message summarizes the basic content of Dr. Vines' messages to First Baptist through the years. It was preached as the closing message of the Pastors' Conference, attended by over 12 thousand people.


Left! Unbelievers and the Return of Christ (DVD Set)

What will take place for those who are left after Christ raptures His church?

Jerry Vines answers a number of questions: Will there be a second chance? Will people be saved during the Tribulation? Who will win the final battle? And, Who’s going to the Great White Throne Judgment?

This series will motivate believers to win the lost and draw unbelievers to Christ.


Let The Show Begin! DVD

Americans love a spectacular. Football spectaculars. Super Bowl spectaculars. All kinds of spectaculars. God has a spectacular like none other! This message will thrill you as Jerry Vines shares from the Bible God’s spectacular in the message, “Let The Show Begin!


Old Preachers Never Die DVD

Old Preachers Never Die was preached by Dr. Vines at the 2004 Real Evangelism Conference hosted at First Baptist Church in Woodstock, Georgia. A message prepared to encourage pastors, and all servants of the Lord for that matter, is drawn from Paul’s final words to the young preacher, Timothy, in II Timothy 4. It is both a tribute to older preachers who faithfully preached the Word of God until their going home and a call for younger preachers to keep preaching and working until Jesus returns!


Rescued DVD

From Dr. Vines:

“The annual Pastors’ Conference in Jacksonville was one of the highlights of my year. Thousands of pastors, from literally all over the world, attended. Many came tired, weary and in need of spiritual encouragement. They didn’t need to be knocked down, they needed to be lifted up!

“As I studied and prayed, the Lord led me to prepare a sermon on the Rapture. Also, He showed me a way to make this glorious truth more graphic. So, I utilized sound effects, video, image magnification, etc. to help the message come alive.

“The Lord chose to use it in such a way that the people did seem to be blessed. For this, I am grateful and thankful I could be an instrument for the Lord to use.”

This particular DVD is, to date, the most requested resource in the history of Jerry Vines Ministries. You will be blessed, thrilled and excited, over and over again.


Sermon Thumb Drive

This USB drive contains over 75 of Dr. Vines most requested series and messages including Journey through the Bible, The Passion, Baptist Battles, Old Preachers Never Die, Glimpses of Glory, and more.


Taken! Believers and the Return of Christ (DVD Set)

The return of Christ is the “blessed hope” for Christians. Just how does the return of Christ relate to believers?

In these 4 messages, Jerry Vines looks at the return of Christ as it impacts them.

In “Is America In Bible Prophecy?,” he relates the end time prophecies to America.

“Will The Church Go Through The Great Tribulation?” discusses believers and the coming Great Tribulation.

Christians as servants of Christ is the theme of “Will Christians Be Judged?”

The concluding message, “Who’s Going To The Marriage Supper?” shares the celebration when God’s people feast with Christ.

This series is a must for Christians who “Love His appearing.”


The Road Ahead – Series on the Second Coming – DVD Set

What is down the road for us? People have always wanted to know about the future and what the end times will bring. This series on the second coming of Christ teaches the basic truths of end-time prophecy, signs of the times, the rapture of the church, the Great Tribulation on the earth, the millennium, the Great White Throne Judgment, heaven and hell.



A Baptist and His Bible CD

This particular message was preached as the annual SBC convention sermon in St. Louis in 1987. Some have said that Dr. Vines’ messge on the inspiration of the Bible was the watershed message in the conservative resurgence.

This message should be in every thoughtful Southern Baptists CD library.


A Journey Through the Bible

This is a must for Sunday School teachers, lay people, or just those who want to learn more about the basics of God’s word.

Have you ever wanted to truly understand the Bible? Do the 66 books seem daunting and difficult? Jerry Vines takes you on an exciting journey through the entire Bible, book by book. Dr. Vines provides you with an introduction to each Bible book and an easy to follow outline.

This is for your computer use and MP3 player.

Just click on the book of the Bible you would like to listen to and it automatically plays on your computer or MP3 player.

This resource has 44 messages on MP3 covering every book of the Bible.

(Outlines included after you complete this transaction. Actual CD set will be mailed.)


Baptist Battles CD Set

Baptist Battles” is Jerry Vines’ presentation of issues – past and present – in Southern Baptist life.

The “battles” are not personal in nature, but the constant battle to earnestly contend for the truth of the faith.

The four messages are:

  • Liberalism: A Baptist and his Bible
  • Calvinism: A Baptist and his Election
  • Pentecostalism: A Baptist and his Gifts
  • Libertinism: A Baptist and his Booze.

These four messages will be ideal for church groups and individual Christians as they understand the battle for truth against error.

This set is also available on DVD. Click here for more information.

“In 1987 Dr. Jerry Vines preached ‘the watershed message’ of the conservative resurgence. Now, in 2006, he does it again. Demonstrating both the timelessness of Scripture and the eloquence God has given him, Dr. Vines addresses the current ‘Baptist Battles’ in a series, which is unequalled. Anyone who is mildly interested in the current issues facing the SBC will gain tremendous insight from this series and be greatly encouraged from God’s Holy Word.”

– Dr. Brad Reynolds – Southeastern Theological Seminary; Wake Forest, NC


Can’t Get No Satisfaction – Study in Ecclesiastes

Britney Spears sang it. So did the Rolling Stones. But, Solomon wrote it.

In this fascinating series of messages from the book of Ecclesiastes, Jerry Vines shares the truth Solomon learned, and all will eventually learn nothing in this world can satisfy the human soul. Only the Lord can do that!


Church To The Max

Just what does God intend a church to be and do? What does such a church look like?

This four-message series by Jerry Vines answer these questions in his series through I Thessalonians. Pastors and Christians will be helped by these verse by verse messages.


Glimpses of Glory CD

“Glimpses of Glory” is the last sermon Jerry Vines preached as pastor of First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida.

After almost 24 years of ministry there, this message summarizes the basic content of Dr. Vines’ messages to First Baptist through the years. It was preached as the closing message of the Pastors’ Conference, attended by over 12 thousand people.


Heaven and How to Get There

Everyone is interested in going to Heaven. What Heaven is like is a subject of a great deal of discussion.

These four messages by Jerry Vines approach the subject of Heaven in a new and refreshing way. Building each message around a song about Heaven, Jerry Vines shares some of the Bible's teaching concerning the glorious future home of the believer- Heaven!

Included in this set are four messages on two CD's:

– I Want to See Jesus
– How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
– We'll Wear A Crown
– Tell Mother I'll Be There


John 3:16 – What Love Is This!

John 3:16! This “Gospel in a nutshell” gives the heart of Christianity in a simple, yet profound way.

Jerry Vines takes us on a journey through this “Mt. Everest of Scripture” and lets us see God’s great love for us.

These four exciting messages will cause you to exclaim indeed, “What Love Is This!”


Jonah On The Run

People running from God! Sound familiar?

This is the storyline for many people in our world. Jonah knew what it was to be on the run. From God, to God, for God, into God and with God.

These four messages on the four chapters of Jonah will take you on a journey Dr. Vines calls “Jonah On The Run.” They will search your heart and challenge your life.


Kings on Parade

Kings and prophets. Victory and defeat. The Old Testament books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles tell the fascinating stores of Israel’s Kings, the prophets who confronted or comforted them, and the timeless truths in these accounts.

Jerry Vines gives a series of messages which select certain of the Kings, the prophets Elijah and Elisha as the basis for lessons to be learned in our day.


Left! Unbelievers and the Return of Christ (CD Set)

What will take place for those who are left after Christ raptures His church?

Jerry Vines answers a number of questions: Will there be a second chance? Will people be saved during the Tribulation? Who will win the final battle? And, Who’s going to the Great White Throne Judgment?

This series will motivate believers to win the lost and draw unbelievers to Christ.


Let The Show Begin! CD

Americans love a spectacular. Football spectaculars. Super Bowl spectaculars. All kinds of spectaculars. God has a spectacular like none other!

This message will thrill you as Jerry Vines shares from the Bible God’s spectacular in the message, “Let The Show Begin!”


Old Preachers Never Die CD

Old Preachers Never Die was preached by Dr. Jerry Vines at the 2004 Real Evangelism Conference hosted at First Baptist Church in Woodstock, Georgia. A message prepared to encourage pastors, and all servants of the Lord for that matter, is drawn from Paul’s final words to the young preacher, Timothy, in II Timothy 4. It is both a tribute to older preachers who faithfully preached the Word of God until their going home and a call for younger preachers to keep preaching and working until Jesus returns!


Our Ascended Lord CD

The most requested message Jerry Vines has ever preached, “Our Ascended Lord” is easily one of the greatest messages ever preached on the ascension of our Lord. This message was preached in Mobile, AL at the Alabama Pastors’ Conference in 1977.


Power in the Pulpit CD set – 2006

This set offers the 2006 Power in the Pulpit Conference sessions led by Jerry Vines, Johnny Hunt and David Allen.

Also, along with the CD set, you will receive an electronic copy of the syllabus used for this conference.


Sermon Thumb Drive

This USB drive contains over 75 of Dr. Vines most requested series and messages including Journey through the Bible, The Passion, Baptist Battles, Old Preachers Never Die, Glimpses of Glory, and more.


Sex According to God

Sex is God’s idea! In the midst of all kinds of misinformation about sex, Jerry Vines takes a refreshing look at God’s beautiful gift of sex, from the Song of Solomon.


Spiritual Terrorism: Apostasy Through Jude’s Eyes

What is apostasy? Who are apostates? How can Christians survive in the midst of a culture of anarchy and a church threatened by end time apostasy?

In this 4 message study of Jude, Jerry Vines makes its message understandable and applicable to our lives today.


Taken! Believers and the Return of Christ (CD Set)

The return of Christ is the “blessed hope” for Christians. Just how does the return of Christ relate to believers?

In these 4 messages, Jerry Vines looks at the return of Christ as it impacts them.

In “Is America In Bible Prophecy?,” he relates the end time prophecies to America.

“Will The Church Go Through The Great Tribulation?” discusses believers and the coming Great Tribulation.

Christians as servants of Christ is the theme of “Will Christians Be Judged?”

The concluding message, “Who’s Going To The Marriage Supper?” shares the celebration when God’s people feast with Christ.

This series is a must for Christians who “Love His appearing.”

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