In Vines LInes

Singer Bruce Springsteen is affectionally called “The Boss” by his fans. The 69-year-old rock n’ roll legend actually got the name in the early years when his band played in clubs. His task was to collect the band’s nightly pay and dole it out to the members of his band. So he became “The Boss.”

Now, in his older years, he has recently come closer to his Catholic roots.

In an interview with The Times of London he said, “You get more spiritual as you grow older. You’re closer to the other world, so maybe that has something to do with it.”

I really don’t know the authenticity of his faith. I pray he has a real relationship with Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. My purpose is not to comment on that nor Catholicism in general. I just want to point out that he is coming to realize what everyone should realize: each day we are one day nearer to the time when we “slip the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.”

The Boss is drawing closer. So am I. And so are you.

As the years advance I find myself humming old hymns I used to hear as a boy. Here’s one of them: “O that will be, glory for me, glory for me, glory for me. When by His grace I shall look on His face. That will be glory, be glory for me.”

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