ChurchMatters Part 2
There are some dire predictions about the future of churches in America. A recent expert predicts that one out of four churches (I presume churches of all denominations) will close their doors within the next 15 years. To be sure, many churches will.
Shifting demographics (population moves from rural to urban areas) causes some churches to go out of business. Others die because they have forgotten the reason for their existence. But, as one who has studied Southern Baptist churches for 60+ years, my observation is this: it’s hard to kill a Baptist church! I’ve seen it happen many times during my ministry. A Baptist church is about gone. The attendance is dwindling, the budget isn’t being met, and the buildings are in near collapse.
Then something happens.
A young preacher becomes the pastor. He preaches the Bible at the top of his lungs from the bottom of his heart. He is a people person. He burns the roads up around the church, witnessing to old and young alike. Suddenly the attendance picks up. People are saved and walk the aisles to profess their faith in Christ. The offering goes up. The buildings are repaired; and more are built to accommodate the growing attendance.
I believe the key to church growth is the pastor.
– Jerry Vines